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更新时间:2025-03-24 10:03:41
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1. But officials said they had to be extra careful with raticide, which polluted the environment and could also poison foxes and eagles that preyed on rats.

2. She later told me girls should be very careful with guys and the drenching should have served up a fine lesson for him.

3. The US should be careful with its words and deeds because its words and action carry special weight in this world.

4. That is why the government must be very careful with political issues, particularly on how direct elections of the CE and Legislative Council should be conducted.

5. Meanwhile the Ophthalmology Department warns people to watch for conjunctivitis and be careful with wearing contact lenses.

6. They found age was clearly linked with aggressive takeover behavior and did a careful but indirect analysis to see if testosterone might be involved.

7. The ministry's fire control bureau also warned the public to be careful with fireworks.

8. Ice skaters share the ice with everyone else, so be careful not to get run over.

9. " With this economy people have to be careful with pennies, " he said.

10. This shortcoming can be rectified with careful food combinations and this is the premise of a vegan diet.

1. First, cationics are easy to have electrical neutralization function with negative charged reservoirs and HPAM and other polymers, which will result in adsorption loss and precipitation loss, so the selection and use of the cationics should be careful. Second, chromatographic fractionation should be avoided in the application of various surfactants in the combination system. Third, the same type of surfactants makes little combination synergistic action, but it can remedy a defect of single surfactant.

2. I'd be careful with that if I was you.

3. You do want to be careful when dealing with cuticles, because you don't want to do too much nipping with it.

4. Thank Mr. smLuLU reply my question, this cat is different, he likes to go out with his drother -a golden retriver, when we go out together, he is so happy, if the neiborhood won't mind, I would like to bring them take a walk everyday(just in the cul-de-sac will be safely), of course the dog will be on leash and I will be careful, thank you!
Mr.smjlulu:可否请较一下,我数月前收养一只社区流浪猫,他喜欢白天出去社区玩,晚上才回来住在我家玄关,如果我带他去加拿大住在single house的社区,他还是一样白天喜欢出去社区逛逛,会不会让邻居不高兴或告我?

5. With the rapid growth of an urban middle class, mooncakes have become a form of currency, not so much to be eaten (some Chinese confess to disliking them) as to be given with careful thought as to the cost of their ingredients and the lavishness of their packaging.

6. Due to the preservation of the original environment, please be careful with poisonous snakes, noxious insects, and wild animals.

7. be careful with什么意思

7. Health Those Wearing Contact Lenses Should Be Careful Not to Scrape Themselves with Acrylic Nails!
健康 水晶指甲刮眼,隐形眼镜族小心!


8. The gas pump was broken, so be careful with it.

9. be careful with

9. Careful choice should be made when considering laparoscopic hysterectomy for patients with multiple hypogastric zone operation history, questionable pelvic cavity adhesions and too big uterus.

10. Memo From: The Managing Director To: Divisional Personnel Managers Subject: Clocking-in Machines Date: 27/4/_ There have been a number of comments about the amount of time being wasted with extended lunch breaks in our company. I do not want to sound as though I am against breaks, in principle; indeed our personnel consultants have emphasized how important and efficiency-promoting such regular interruptions can be if you want an effective and motivated office staff. But, we must keep a check on working hours and clocking-in machines for office staff do exist. We can expect a little opposition to the idea if we are not careful. You can never be sure how the office staff will react. They might well take it badly. In any case, we`re thinking of putting in clocking-in machines for all clerical grades; please send me a report. At least 150 English words. Submit it before April 15 Pls refer to the LAYOUT OF REPORT in this PPT, with numbered paragraphs (preferably refer to File 67 on P.168): Layout of report To: From: Date: Subject: XXXXXXXX Body of report Conclusion/Proposal 还有一段话:Could you write a report in response to the memo on P.36 (4.3 C)? Suppose you were the Divisional Personnel Manager.
备忘录从:管理的董事到:分割的人员管理者题目:孵蛋的-在机器日期:27/4/-在那里有是许多的时间存在废物有伸出的午餐的注解关与数量训练我们的公司,我不想要到声音好象我是相反休息,原则上;真正地我们的人员顾问有强调如何重要的和效率-创立这样的规则的中断能是如果你想要有效的和激发办公室全体人员,但是,我们必须保持检查工作小时和孵蛋的-在机器为了办公室全体人员做存在,我们期待少量反对到想法如果我们是不小心的,你能解决不是有把握如何办公室全体人员将起反应,他们might好拿它严重地无论如何我们re轻轻一击在孵蛋的思想,在机器尽管请发送我报告至少150英文的字,服丛它在前4月15日 pls查阅报告在这PPT的规划,有有限的段—(更适宜查阅文件67在P.168)报告的规划到:从:日期:题目:XXXXXXXX 报告的身体结束/方案还有一段话:可能你书写报告响应备忘录在p.36(4.3c)假设你是分割的人员manager。

11. I want to be careful here, and remind anyone reading this that I don`t have anything bad to say about jQuery, and I don`t want to start a flame war on this post or others. jQuery and MooTools (and Prototype and Dojo and YUI, yada, yada, yada) are different and not competing with each other.
在这里我要小心一些,并提醒正在阅读这篇文章的各位读者,我没有任何关于 jQuery的坏话要说,我也不想在这篇文章或者其他文章中挑起一场无谓的争论。jQuery和MooTools(以及Prototype、Dojo、YUI等等等等)都是不同的而且没有相互竞争。

12. Careful observation can discover, this blow focal point is strict demarcate is to be aimed at B2B to trade the net inn on platform, namely the company is right the electronic business affairs of the enterprise, and have nothing to do with the inn of ordinary individual net of C2C mode.

13. Be careful with the scissors cut the stomach, intestines removed, cleaning spit tail and back I sand mixed with dust, encoder.

14. You'll be in queer street unless you're more careful with money.

15. You'll be in Queer Street unless you're more careful with money.

16. Everything about a manual was sensual and tactile, from the careful placing of paper round the platen (which might be plump and soft or hard and dry, and was, Mr Tytell said, a typewriter`s heart) to the clicking whirr of the winding knob, the slight high conferred by a new, wet, Mylar ribbon and the feeding of it, with inkier and inkier fingers, through the twin black guides by the spool.

17. be careful with

17. O Israel, you should listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

18. Hear then, Israel, and be careful to observe them, that you may grow and prosper the more, in keeping with the promise of the LORD, the God of your fathers, to give you a land flowing with milk and honey.

19. Mr Trelawney had been to sea before and knew enough to be useful, and one of the men, Israel Hands, was a careful and experienced seaman who was able to help with almost anything.

20. be careful with

20. I observed too his habit of careful inquiry in all matters of deliberation, and his persistency, and that he never stopped his investigation through being satisfied with appearances which first present themselves; and that his disposition was to keep his friends, and not to be soon tired of them, nor yet to be extravagant in his affection; and to be satisfied on all occasions, and cheerful; and to foresee things a long way off, and to provide for the smallest without display; and to check immediately popular applause and all flattery; and to be ever watchful over the things which were necessary for the administration of the empire, and to be a good manager of the expenditure, and patiently to endure the blame which he got for such conduct; and he was neither superstitious with respect to the gods, nor did he court men by gifts or by trying to please them, or by flattering the populace; but he showed sobriety in all things and firmness, and never any mean thoughts or action, nor love of novelty.

When we go to the beach next time, we should be careful with our garbage.(当我们下次去海滩的时候,我们应该妥善收拾好自己的垃圾。)
Do be careful with this feature, however.(但是一定要小心对待这个特性。)
I told him that was my job, to be careful with descriptions.(我告诉他我的工作就是小心处理我要描写的东西。)
Always be careful with shell expansion and variable names.(始终要谨慎使用Shell扩展和变量名称。)
We'll have to be careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves.(我们必须精打细算,可也并不是说我们就不能过得快乐。)
Be careful with daily use.(日常使用时要小心。)
Next time when we go to the beach we should be careful with our garbage.(下次我们再去海滩的时候,我们要记住妥善收拾好自己的垃圾。)
Be careful with those swords!(小心那些剑!)
While this is a powerful instrument, be careful with that perceived simplicity.(尽管这是个强大的工具,但对于这种可察觉的简单性要保持警惕。)
Do be careful with the experiment you're doing.(在实验中切不可粗心大意。)
be careful with是什么意思 be careful with在线翻译 be careful with什么意思 be careful with的意思 be careful with的翻译 be careful with的解释 be careful with的发音 be careful with的同义词